As a restaurant vendor, we find ourselves in a unique position to meet and learn about many other vendors of restaurant solutions around the industry. If you’ve ever been to a restaurant trade show, you know for every need a restaurateur has, there are often dozens or even hundreds of potential vendors that offer a solution for that need. Navigating that sea of people, products, and services and finding the best of the best can be mind boggling.
This page is an intentionally small list of of companies that we have come to know well over the years and can recommend with extreme confidence to our clients. Simply put, these are the companies and people that we know get it. Do you yourself a favor and check them out. Odds are, they can help make you more successful and are better than the vendor you are currently using for a comparable product or service. Mention that you heard about them from Imenutech and you might even get a special discount or reduced rates.
Service With Style / Secret Shopping & Consulting